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Kategórie: Akohol, Dobrodružné, Exe, Flash, Hry, Kriminálne, Nad 18, Quests, Sex

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Popis: Slovenčina Procházka geta uliciach tohto mesta idú do temných uličiek hrnčeka spanie zločincov a piť v baroch. Možno Máš šťastie, a Ty by mohli uspieť tam s niektorými súk. Soundtrack obsahuje hity ako DMX - fuck okolo .. a ďalšie. Použite myš na ovládanie hier.

Posted: 2009-03-13. Request for an Update!


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ru Bela @ 2013-08-11 07:53:06

It happened in Odessa (Ukraine) at Sobornaya Square. That buidilng is situated at the centre of the city. It was built in 1897. IMHO it was the most beautiful buidilng in my city.Russov's house needed restoration but no one wanted to restore it because they don't have money for this .A few days ago City Council decided to give 1 million grivnas for restoration. And 3 days later someone set fire ..


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