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Embark on an adventure as Princess Ajestremia's guardian. You will be able to choose which path the main character will go by making choices for him. The main character feels something for the princess and in various ways tries to attract her attention. She reciprocates, but still keeps her distance. Follow the story to find out what will happen to the main character next.

38.8K 4 RenpyRen'Py

Apocalypse Lovers

Almost a year has passed since a contagious infection appeared and the "The plant" destroyed humanity. At first, thousands of people started to get sick, then millions. There are very few survivors left and you are one of them. Try to escape and decide how you will act in various critical situations. Perhaps you will be able to do something and you will save humanity from destruction. Important! Before starting the game, we recommend using a password to enjoy the full version of the game. For version 16: no password required, version 18: cyberpsycho, version 18+: sinsedge.

225.1K 52 RenpyRen'Py

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (inzercia)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


Maid Mansion

The main character's grandfather died, leaving him a mansion and a huge inheritance. There is only one condition: under no circumstances does he have the right to fire the head maid. The main character moves into a mansion and notices strange things happening around him. Now he wants to find out all the secrets that this house and his grandfather hide.

105.7K 10 RenpyRen'Py

Forbidden Fantasy

According to the prophecy, the main character was chosen to fight demon queen, who’s standing against the whole world. But the fact is that he is completely unprepared for battle, so they begin to train him hard. He will have to meet several mystical women, learn their secrets, and enjoy sex with each of them before he can defeat the villain.

20K 11 RenpyRen'Py

Sophie: The Girl from the Zone [v 0.3.0]

A mysterious virus spread very quickly across the earth. All the main character's colleagues and friends turned into the living dead. He lives far from everyone, but one day he meets a girl. Soon he begins to doubt his mental health, because he does not understand whether this girl is real or he made her up. This is a very complex story, so think about every step you take, because your choice has irreversible consequences.

180.5K 28 RenpyRen'Py

The Last Oasis before Chastity

The main character receives a message from an unknown sender who asks him to leave his home as soon as possible. He grabs his daughters and they run away from home. The chase begins after them, and the hero considers his further plan. They have to cross the desert, so before the trip they need to stock up on food. From this moment the adventures of our hero begin in the world of different girls who are ready to help satisfy him before a long move.

114.2K 15 ShemalesShemales RenpyRen'Py

Jason, Coming of Age [v 0.10.0a]

You're a 25-year-old guy named Jason. You've lived with your mom and sister all your life, but since you found a job in another city, you have to move and leave them. You have great friends who are ready to help with the move. Suddenly you began to notice that your female friend started flirting with you, and in general, all women really like you. I'm sure any guy would like to be in your shoes.

179.4K 47 ShemalesShemales RenpyRen'Py

Isabella - Chasing Shadows

This is a visual novel about a guy who is about 30 years old. He was enjoying a happy life with his fiance until one incident ruined his entire life. His girlfriend dies in a tragic accident and he has lost all purpose in life. Unfortunately, the police are not ready to help and the guy decides to investigate on his own and find out who his fiance crossed the road to.

61.1K 9 RenpyRen'Py

Secret Fantasy Dreams 2

Dnes opäť máme Wendy a jej sexy dievča mate Chloe. Tentoraz sa naše dievčatá boli uneseny ozbrojenci Talibanu. Ich vodca tzv Tarak bude znásilnenie je ťažké. Som si istý, bude to to. Ale skôr, ako sa chce pozrieť na svojich zajatcov robí trochu horúce lesbické akcie. Máte na pomoc dievčatám a zase príbeh šťastný!

469.4K 165 FlashFlash

Fruits De La Passion

Play hracie automaty vyhrať nejaké peniaze. Na každých 100 dolárov, dievča odstráni kus oblečenia. Stačí kliknúť na tlačidlo Kúpiť. Vytvorte si vlastnú taktiku vyhrať viac peňazí. Túto krásnu dievčinu vyzliecť pre Vás a teraz jej telo.

214.6K 12 FlashFlash

Fall 4 Love [v 0.2.7]

You play as a young 18-year-old guy who has no life experience yet. Your task is to turn a completely inexperienced guy into a real man. However, this world is a little strange because it is ruled only by women. Be careful when making your choice, this can lead to various awkward and perverted situations. As you progress, you will understand what actions are best for each specific situation.

137K 20 ShemalesShemales HTMLHTML

Horny Afternoon 3 - An afternoon at the swimming pool

Zatiaľ v seriáli sme sa zoznámili Wendy, krásna mladá dievča z bohatej rodiny a rešpektovaný, ktorý je príjemcom vynikajúce vzdelanie na internátnej škole, a teraz sa vracia do rodinného domu na dovolenku. Pestúnka, hospodyně, udržiava luxusný dom v poriadku a bdie nad Wendy, čo nie je vždy ľahké, pretože Wendy je veľmi zmyselná, kto má rád nové experimenty. Dnes, Wendy čaká pri bazéne, pre jej priateľka CLOE na návštevu. Bola by som veľmi rád, s vašou pomocou, aby sa nové Horny Afternoon''''.

602.4K 128 FlashFlash

B.E.S.T [Ep. 2.1]

The main character thinks he is going to a 6-month intensive language program. But he is deeply mistaken, because he was chosen as one of 100 participants in some mysterious program. All the candidates of this program will undergo various tests and a competition, to find out who is the best student at the very end. As the game progresses, the participants will gradually drop out until there is only one winner left.

64.6K 21 RenpyRen'Py

Fashion Business: Boat Trip

This is a continuation of the story about Monica, and this time she went to a glamorous party on a yacht with the stars of the fashion business. It seems that finally all her problems are behind her, and now she needs to continue to gain experience in her field of business. Your task is to move around the deck and make various decisions that will help Monica with her business.

40.1K 1 RenpyRen'Py

Frozen Past

The game takes place in the near future. The main character woke up in the hospital with memory loss, he does not understand what happened to him. There are relatives nearby, but they don't really talk to him about his past life before amnesia. He will have to find out everything about his life on his own, and this will lead to a series of interesting events and many obstacles.

69.1K 9 ShemalesShemales RenpyRen'Py

Lust Goddess: The Game (inzercia)

Assemble your unique squad of sexy mercenary girls. Earn their love and trust, and they will show you their gratitude by bringing your wildest and lewdest fantasies to life! Play Free Now!


MILFs of Sunville Season 2 [v 3.00]

The young guy had a wonderful and carefree life, he was surrounded by big money and beautiful girls. But at the request of his father, he must return to the small town of Sunville. The guy is angry because his father will no longer support him, and the guy will have to think about how to make money by himself. Decide which way the main character will go, and immerse yourself in a romantic relationship with the beautiful MILF's from Sunville.

209.9K 13 RenpyRen'Py

Kana Sensei

Kana Sensei works as a teacher at a girls' school. She tries to beat the crap out of those cute little faces with asses slapped. Every time the girls do something wrong, she can punish them. Kana is an expert in matters of discipline, and therefore her methods of education suit everyone in this school. It's up to you to decide which path Kana will take, whether she will become an evil witch or turn a blind eye to many things.

68.7K 5 RenpyRen'Py

Strip blackjack French maid

Ste urobili ponuku na novej francúzskej izba komorné hrať blackjack. Stavíte peniaze a ona stávky jej sladké telo. Keď ona nemá nič spoločného vzlietnuť potom môžete milovať sa s ňou.

351.4K 16 FlashFlash

Secret Fantasy Dreams

Wendy a Nanny sú späť opäť s novým dobrodružstvom. Tentoraz sa Nanny je stále nadržaná, zatiaľ čo ona spí v posteli a čítal knihu. Táto doba je veľa hračiek, ktoré aj sexi dievčatá môžu používať. Ale pravidlá sú stále rovnaké - kliknite okolo subjektov a objektov, podržte pri radosti meter prestane posúvať.

751.2K 380 FlashFlash

Aeon’s Echo: The Game (inzercia)

Dive into the enchanting world of Aeons Echo! As the protagonist, you will interact, bond, and evolve with various captivating goddesses. Enjoy an immersive role-playing adventure in a visually stunning universe. Play Free now!


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